Use "fatherland|fatherlands" in a sentence

1. [We] request the Government to firmly defend our Fatherland.

2. You are the life of the fatherland, you boys.

3. He also wrote for the dissident bulletin To Quoc (Fatherland).

4. Commander of Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd class.

5. End of June 1990, the department stores were emptied our socialist Fatherland.

6. But once more we were about to celebrate the anniversary of our socialist Fatherland.

7. Every square meter, which we defend, is part of the heart of our fatherland.

8. This constitution must guarantee the rights of labor, of family and of the fatherland.

9. At the end of June 1990 the shops of our socialist Fatherland were emptied.

10. It gave him a fatherland, which he could carry about with him when his own land was lost.”

11. He is a member of the editorial board of To Quoc (Fatherland) Review, an underground pro-democracy publication.

12. A combination, as of events or circumstances: "the power that lies in the Conjuncture of faith and fatherland"

13. All seats were won by the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland, under the control of the Worker's Party.

14. In exile I sacredly observe The custom of my fatherland: I freedom to a Birdlet give On Spring's holiday serene

15. Nguyen Xuan Nghia, 62, is a journalist, novelist, poet, and editorial board member of the underground democracy bulletin, To Quoc (Fatherland).

16. A combination, as of events or circumstances: "the power that lies in the Conjuncture of faith and fatherland" (Conor Cruise O'Brien)

17. One of these stones shows the admiralty's arms, with the crossed anchors and an abbreviation of its motto Pugno Pro Patria ("I fight for the fatherland").

18. In the Netherlands, William is known as the Vader des Vaderlands, "Father of the Fatherland", and the Dutch national anthem, the Wilhelmus, was written in his honour.

19. The Bartered Bride has become a worldwide favorite since its 1870 premiere and is presented with almost as much frequency as Smetana’s symphonic favorite “My Fatherland” (“Ma Vlast”)

20. The Encyclopedia Americana (1956) says: “Love of fatherland and pride in one’s country are the keynotes of most national anthems, and in many, religious feeling is blended with patriotic sentiment.”

21. Luther was a patriotic German who was for ever Bewailing the disintegration of the Fatherland; Zwingli was full of plans for confederations of Swiss cantons with South German cities, which could not fail to …

22. Word Origin late 16th cent.: from French Compatriote, from late Latin compatriota (translating Greek sumpatriōtēs), from com-‘together with’ + patriota ‘fellow countryman’, from Greek patriōtēs, from patrios ‘of one's fathers’, from patris ‘fatherland’.

23. I have just told the former Kaiser that the Führer has, under strict conditions, and for the good of the Fatherland, agreed to bring him back from exile to take up his throne once more in Berlin.

24. Today, we remember the Nigerian workers, who were massacred at Iva Valley Coal mines, gunned down at Burutu, Bludgeoned and buffeted in many other parts of the country as they fought for the untrammelled freedom and prosperity of their fatherland.

25. In the circulating currencies of 5, 10, 20 and 50 Ariary, the coins have been using a different motto according to the years of issue: MOTTO ‘A’ is “TANINDRAZANA - TOLOM-PIAVOTANA-FAHAFAHANA”, it means “Fatherland-Revolution-Liberty”

26. The French national motto, Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood), was replaced by Travail, Famille, Patrie (Work, Family, Fatherland); it was noted at the time that TFP also stood for the criminal punishment of "travaux forcés à perpetuité" ("forced labor in perpetuity").

27. Various interpretations of the meaning of the picture have been offered: the conflict between youth and old age, time as the devourer of all things, the wrath of God and an allegory of the situation in Spain, where the fatherland consumed its own children in wars and revolution.

28. On returning to France, to the bosom of the great, strong, magnificent, peaceful, and glorious fatherland, I should have proclaimed her frontiers immutable; all future wars purely defensive, all aggrandizement Antinational.I should have associated my son in the Empire; my dictatorship would have been finished, and his constitutional reign would have begun.

29. Stumpf also addressed once the commandment of the Bible, "Thou shalt not kill" and revealed some pacifistic tendencies, but time and again he expressed clearly conservative views when he ranted about the "perfidious Albion" (England) or against France's rapacity, when he showed satisfaction that England had finally to sacrifice rivers of blood, and he wanted to combine the last forces for the defence of the fatherland.

30. On 8 May 1965, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, International Women's Day was declared a non-working day in the Soviet Union "in commemoration of the outstanding merits of Soviet women in communistic construction, in the defense of their Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War, in their heroism and selflessness at the front and in the rear, and also marking the great contribution of women to strengthening friendship between peoples, and the struggle for peace.